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Helen Akers
Swimming Officials Coordinator
British Swimming RGB logo
British Swimming, SportPark, Pavilion 3, 3 Oakwood Drive, Loughborough University, LE11 3QF
Mobile: 07813 998519
With the World Championships in London drawing nearer and following the completion of the World Series competitions, feedback from athletes, coaches and/or NPCs, we’d like to offer some additional clarification to the World Para Swimming Rules and Regulations 2018.
Starts for those athletes who use Support Staff The athlete, who has balance problems (i.e. standing stationary), may have assistance to balance themselves on the starting platform (i.e. hold at the hips, hand, arm etc.), by one (1) Support Staff. Support Staff may aid the athlete to remain stationary at the start; however the Support Staff shall not allow the athlete unfair advantage by being held beyond the 90 degrees vertical position on the starting platform. Giving momentum to the athlete at the start is not permitted.
Support staff should not hold the weight of the athlete to aid forward momentum. If an athlete supports their own body weight to lean forward past the 90 degrees from the vertical, it shall not be considered an unfair advantage, provided the support staff supporting the athlete holds them with flat hands, and is non weight bearing.
Freestyle in Individual Medley and/or Medley Relay
11.2.1 Freestyle means that in an event so designated the athlete may swim any style, except in Individual Medley or Medley Relay events where Freestyle means any style other than Backstroke, Breaststroke or Butterfly. For the 75m or 150m Individual Medley, Freestyle means any style other than Backstroke or Breaststroke.
11.6.3 In Freestyle the athlete must remain on his breast except when executing a turn. After executing a turn, the athlete must return to his breast before executing any kick or stroke.
Specifically the rule book states the final leg of the IM or Medley Relay must be swam as freestyle, and describes freestyle as any stroke that is not butterfly, backstroke, or breaststroke. Where an athlete uses an underwater butterfly kick, on the breast, it is not legal butterfly if it is followed by a front crawl style stroke – for a swimmer to be considered to be swimming in the style of butterfly, they would have to perform butterfly kicks as well as a double arm pull and recovery over the water. Butterfly kicking whilst on the back is not permitted, as the rule book states an athlete must be on their breast before executing any kick or stroke.
11.5.2 Both arms must be brought forward simultaneously over the water and brought backward simultaneously under the water throughout the race, subject to Rule 11.5.5. Where an athlete can only use one (1) arm for the arm stroke (as determined by the athlete’s Code of Exception), the arm shall be brought forward over the water. The position of the body must remain in line with the normal water surface. Where an athlete’s impairment results in only one (1) arm being used the non-functioning arm shall be dragged or stretched forward.
The intent of this rule is to ensure when athletes compete, the stroke retains the integrity of a Butterfly stroke. An athlete using two arms will automatically keep their body position in line/parallel to the normal water surface to be able to bring both arms forward over the water. The rule ensures an athlete who competes using only one arm for the arm stroke stays on the breast in line/parallel to the normal water surface, as butterfly was originally intended, and are not swimming on their side, with a dropped shoulder. The WPS interpretation of ‘the body’ is the trunk of an athlete, including the shoulders, the position of the legs is covered in Rule 11.5.3.
We saw many correct examples of this during the 2019 World Series; an athlete using only one (1) arm to swim with; can keep their body in line/parallel with the normal water surface, by breathing to the front or by breathing to their non-functioning arm side.
All certified World Para Swimming Technical Officials are fully aware of the Rules and what they need to observe. World Para Swimming is working with our International Officials to help disseminate knowledge on a national level to ensure consistent officiating from one event to the next.
World Para-Swimming Butterfly Rule Clarification
From: Officials News <>
Sent: Fri, 27 Jul 2018 12:21
Subject: World Para-Swimming Butterfly Rule Clarification
We have received the following rule clarification from World Para-Swimming:
Following the conclusion of the World Series and feedback from athletes, coaches and/or NPCs, we’d like to offer some additional information re Butterfly.
11.5.2 Both arms must be brought forward simultaneously over the water and brought backward simultaneously under the water throughout the race, subject to Rule 11.5.5. Where an athlete can only use one (1) arm for the arm stroke (as determined by the athlete’s Code of Exception), the arm shall be brought forward over the water. The position of the body must remain in line with the normal water surface. Where an athlete’s impairment results in only one (1) arm being used the non-functioning arm shall be dragged or stretched forward.
The intent of this rule is to ensure when athletes compete, the stroke retains the integrity of a Butterfly stroke. An athlete using two arms will automatically keep their body position in line with the normal water surface to be able to bring both arms forward over the water. The new rule ensures an athlete who competes only using one arm stays on the breast in line with the normal water surface, as butterfly was originally intended, and are not swimming on the side, with a dropped shoulder. The WPS interpretation of ‘the body’ is the trunk of an athlete, including the shoulders, the position of the legs is covered in Rule 11.5.3.
We saw many correct examples of this during the 2018 World Series; an athlete using only one (1) arm to swim with; can keep their body in line with the normal water surface, by breathing to the front or by breathing to their non-functioning arm side. All certified World Para Swimming Technical Officials are fully aware of the Rules and what they need to observe during Butterfly events. World Para Swimming is working with our International Officials to help disseminate knowledge on a national level to ensure consistent officiating from one event to the next.
It is very important that we keep the integrity of all strokes and ensure Butterfly does not look or become Freestyle, especially as we are on the way towards major WPS events such as the upcoming Europeans in Dublin, 2018 Asian Para Games, 2019 World Championships and the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.
To officials:
We thank you in your support to make sure on a national level these rules are being officiated to at the same standards.
Click Here to read details of the FINA rules update Oct 2017.
ASA SPECIFIC – Protests and Appeals
From: Officials News <>
To: celiaweb <>
Sent: Tue, 4 Jul 2017 11:17
Subject: ASA SPECIFIC – Protests and Appeals
Following recent instances where it has been reported that the correct processes have not been followed with regard to protests and appeals during events, I have been asked to draw your attention the following guidelines in the 2017 ASA Handbook. The full guidelines can be found at pages 87-90.
Page 88
Appointment of a Jury of Appeal
A promoter can appoint a Jury of Appeal. If one is appointed then the responsibility for dealing with Protests remains with the Referee but the Referee’s decision on a protest made to him may be appealed directly to the Jury of Appeal.
ASA Regulations now require, wherever practicable, that a Jury of Appeal be appointed for all licensed events, including County events. The Jury must consist of three persons of whom normally at least one must be familiar with the discipline concerned. Prior to the competition commencing one member of the Jury should be appointed as Chairman and another as Secretary. The members of the Jury should be available immediately but shall not undertake any administrative or officiating duties during the competition.
The Referee should be told whether a Jury of Appeal is being appointed. The Promoter has no power to deal with a protest. It can only be dealt with by the Referee. This may mean the Promoter has to appoint the Referee well before the date of the event and pass on the protest to him. The Promoter should provide the Referee with a copy of the Competition Conditions before the event.
Where more than one referee has been appointed for a competition comprising swimming races, one of their number shall be appointed and empowered, from the date upon which entries to that competition close, as the lead referee. The lead referee shall receive all protests of a general nature (e.g. a protest which covers more than one specific event). However if a protest relates to a specific event then the referee responsible for that event must also be responsible for the protest.
Page 90
If the protest cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of all the parties concerned then they must be informed of their rights of appeal. These include not only the right to appeal against the Referee’s decision to the Jury of Appeal if there is one, or straight to the Judiciary if there isn’t. The requisite appeal form can be obtained from the Judicial Administrator at the ASA Office of Judicial Administration.
Please feel free to share this information with any within your club who fulfil the role of promoter and do not receive Swimming Officials News.
Helen Akers
Swimming Officials Coordinator
M: 07813 998 519
Pavilion 3, SportPark, 3 Oakwood Drive,
Loughborough University, Leics LE11 3QF
Last modified: Tuesday, 4 July 2017, 2:03 PM
NEW CPD : Refereeing Swimming – A Beginners Guide
From: Officials News <>
Sent: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 10:51
Subject: UPDATE – Refereeing Swimming-a beginner’s guide
Further to yesterday’s message (see below) advising of the launch of this course, to ensure that your completion of the CPD is correctly recorded, please use the following link below to the IoS website. There is no charge for the CPD.
Refereeing Swimming a beginner’s guide
Many thanks
Helen Akers
Swimming Officials Coordinator
From: Officials News <>
To: celiaweb <>
Sent: Wed, 22 Mar 2017 14:20
Subject: NEW CPD : Refereeing Swimming – A Beginners Guide
Refereeing Swimming – A Beginners Guide, has been designed to provide support and guidance for officials who may be requested to perform the duty of a Referee for small or local run competitions. It is important to note that completion of this module will not qualify you as a referee.
By completing this module you will achieve the following learning outcomes –
Recognise and identify the duties of a referee at a swimming competition with regard to:
1. The role of the referee
2. The role of the referee with specific reference to Health and Safety
3. Producing the race result (Manual and AOE)
The CPD can be found at
Helen Akers
Swimming Officials Coordinator
Last modified: Thursday, 23 March 2017, 1:12 PM
Please view the document below for instructions on how to register for the online J1 training.
Applications to Officiate – British Swimming Championships 2020
Monday 27th July at Thrybergh Country Park, Rotherham. The closing date for applications is 6th March 2020.
Maureen Davies wins the Technical Official of the Year Award
ASA Swimming Officials News.
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