Click here to view The Swim England handbook 2019
November 2019 – issue 33
Swim England (ASA) and Regional (Swim England South West) Information.
The ASA has changed its name to Swim England (see logo at the top of this site) Swim England is the brand name of the Amateur Swimming Association and is now used in all communications.
Applying for an Open Meet Licence.
To apply for an an Open Meet Licence – please first contact our County Licence co-ordinator to confirm that your date does not clash with other events in the County.
Then details – criteria please send completed form to Regional Licencing Officer: Lesley Leffers (All Payments paid by BACS – Please do not send cheques. Your Levy fees and post meet fee’s can be paid by BACS to the following account:- Lloyds TSB ASA South West Region Sort Code: 30-90-54 Acc. Number: 04630209 Please name payment as – L1,2,3 or 4 Club Name/ Please take a screen shot of the payment and email to Lesley. Licence application form. Referee Report form. Promoter report form.
For Regional Gala dates please visit the Event Diary and search for “Regional” events.
Swim England are celebrating 150 years as the national governing body for swimming. Click here for how to join in with the celebrations.
Talent Pathway & Networking Presentations 3rd February 2019
Swim England South West Club Training Needs
Swim England Awards for Clubs